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Download PC software for Nokia
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Allalaadimisi: 978
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Programs for Nokia phones at presence of date-cable use. The best, convenient programs on use are collected, also they are simple in adjustment and use. Programs allow to edit the telephone book, upload/do/edit operator logos, melodies, pictures and everything else.

LogoManager v1.3 is software for Microsoft Windows that allows you to connect to most black & white Nokia phones using a data cable or suitable infrared connection. Note: 3330/5210/3410 screensaver WAP upload and the TDMA ringtone service do not require a cable, just a suitable subscription with your provider!

You can design graphics and ringtones yourself and easily manage and back up your phonebook.

Design your own caller group graphics, operator logos, startup graphics and ringtones for your Nokia phone - no other software is required and there is no charge for uploading to your phone, time and time again! 3330/5210/3410 owners can also design animated screensavers.

download logomanager 1.3 full version. The program for old Nokia models with the black - green display. Change logo of the operator, change of a picture at loading phone, sending sms, upload melodies. Approaches for phones Nokia 3210, 3310, 5110, 6210
Download 587 KB LogoManager 1.3 full version.

LogoManager Highlights:
  • Full-featured graphics editor

  • RTTTL-compliant ringtone editor

  • Phonebook editor

  • SMS and flashing SMS

  • Operator logos, group graphics, startup logos

  • Picture messages and screensavers

  • Animated screen savers

  • Grab or download existing logos and ringtones from the web

  • Upload screensavers to your own WAP page (no cable required)

  • Send TDMA ringtones via the Internet (TDMA only, no cable required)

  • Nokia PC Suite is software for work with date cable. Loading of pictures, change, reset operator logo , editing, preservation of a directory, sending sms, upload polyphonic melodies, reserve memory preservation of all phone, games, melodies, given a directory and much more.

    download Nokia PC Suite the full english version. The program for work with date cable. Loading of pictures, change, reset logo operator, editing, preservation of a directory, sending sms, upload polyphonic melodies, reserve preservation of memory of all phone, games, the melodies, given a directory and much more
    Download 24 MB Nokia PC Suite full english version

    Key software features:
  • Automatic, secure data transfer between phone and PC

  • Connect wirelessly or via cable

  • Fast, easy connection to the Internet

  • Manage music, messages, contacts, and images

  • Cellular Essentials is the professional program for Nokia® mobile phones. It helps you to organize your phone book entries in a professional way and to easily read, save and send your SMS messages including logos and picture messages. The supposedly world's best integrated logo editor completes the extensive features of this user-friendly program.

    download Cellular Essentials 2.0 full version. The program for work with date cable. Loading of pictures, change, reset of a trade mark of the operator, editing, preservation of a directory, send sms
    Download 3 MB Cellular Essentials 2.0 full version

    Essential advantages:
  • Reading, writing, synchronizing, importing and exporting the phone book

  • Editing of extended data of the phone book, assigning speed dial and caller groups

  • Internationalizing the phone book

  • Reading, saving and sending of SMS messages, logos and picture messages

  • Creating, editing, saving and loading of individual logos to/from the cellular phone

  • Making voice calls via your PC

  • Detailed information on your mobile phone
  • [ Lae alla ]
    Kellelt: Heiki (heiki [at] mail . ee)
    väga hea!!!
    Kirjutatud: 02-05-2007 kell 15:00:29
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    Alla laadimisi: 30225

    Uued failid
    · 1: ...
    [Alla laadimisi: 977]

    · 2: Sjboy Emulator for PC platform
    [Alla laadimisi: 1371]

    · 3: Nokia Multimedia Player v1.1 ENG
    [Alla laadimisi: 1668]

    · 4: ...
    [Alla laadimisi: 953]

    · 5: ...
    [Alla laadimisi: 955]

    · 6: ...
    [Alla laadimisi: 955]

    · 7: Nokia S60 MidpX v.1.0 java games emulator.
    [Alla laadimisi: 1509]

    · 8: Special programs for jad file creation from jar
    [Alla laadimisi: 1113]

    · 9: MidpX2 - java games emulator on the PC
    [Alla laadimisi: 1453]

    · 10: Java Adpater for Mobile
    [Alla laadimisi: 1378]

    Populaarsed failid
    · 1: ...
    [Alla laadimisi: 3017]

    · 2: ...
    [Alla laadimisi: 3008]

    · 3: ...
    [Alla laadimisi: 2778]

    · 4: Nokia Multimedia Player v1.1 ENG
    [Alla laadimisi: 1668]

    · 5: Nokia S60 MidpX v.1.0 java games emulator.
    [Alla laadimisi: 1509]

    · 6: MidpX2 - java games emulator on the PC
    [Alla laadimisi: 1453]

    · 7: Java Adpater for Mobile
    [Alla laadimisi: 1378]

    · 8: Sjboy Emulator for PC platform
    [Alla laadimisi: 1371]

    · 9: Special programs for jad file creation from jar
    [Alla laadimisi: 1113]

    · 10: Nokia 5100 | 7210 | 3510i | 3300 emulators
    [Alla laadimisi: 1074]

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    Kõik kaubamärgid | materjalid | failid jne, mis sellel saidil nimetatud on nende autorite omand.